World Medical Insurance Information

Medical Insurance Information
Currently, private insurance in Italy is a basic insurance policy for foreigners under INA ASSITALIA for compensation for emergency patients. Currently, 150,000 lira is paid annually and this insurance receipt must be presented when applying for a stay permit.
However, this insurance does not cover hospitalization and medication for other reasons. To apply for this insurance, we first receive the coni correnti postail from the post office and fill out the payment amount and the recipient's column.
C/C N, : 71270003
intestato a : INA - ASSITALIA AZ DI ROMA
How to Create a Conti Correnti Postail
1 This paper consists of two sides, three sides of the hump, and write each side equally.
2 di L................................: Write the amount in Arabic numerals and finish with #marked.
3 Lire (lettere)........................: Always write the first letter in capital letters in Italian.
4 seul C/C N ....................: Recipient's contact number entry box
5 entestato a: ................: Recipient entry box
6 eseguito da ....................: Payment claimant name entry column
7 residente in ....................: Residential area entry (e.g. Milano, Segrate(MI, etc.))
8 vian,CAP Localita ................: Address box
In addition, the Mutua Sanitaria system is implemented as follows:
It is implemented by local health and medical institutions (A,S,L: U,S,L.) and is valid until December 31 of the year regardless of the payment date. The annual premium is about 300,000 lira for student individuals and 750,000 lia for student family insurance, and is eligible for coverage in almost all medical events (exceptional in dentistry and some events). We designate individual doctors and benefit from drug prices and various examinations and medical examinations. In particular, pregnant women can receive almost free benefits for all necessary tests such as pregnancy period, childbirth, and one month postpartum examination, blood test, urine test, etc. In addition, infant screening will also benefit.
required preparation document
Certificate of residence (Certificato di Residenza), residence permit, passport, Codice Fiscale
(C.F. must be at least one year old), certificate of enrollment (including family identification in case of family), and receipt of insurance payment

Medical Insurance Information
In the U.S., where medical expenses are high, insurance coverage is absolutely necessary.
The U.S. government must sign up for individual or company-by-company insurance without a law requiring medical insurance like Korea.
However, every university in the U.S. makes it a law to buy medical insurance for foreign students with undergraduates or higher. However, if you are a language student, there are schools that you must sign up for and schools that you can choose from.
However, most U.S. universities have their own clinics for mild illnesses, giving free treatment to students at their own schools.
When you register for a school, all schools check whether you are insured or not, and if you are an unregistered student, your registration may be rejected. In this case, you have to sign up locally (because there are various types, it's hard to say the approximate amount, but the insurance premium offered by the local school is $1,500 to $1,800 per year).
In particular, in the Federal Act, the actual cost of treating injuries and diseases must be more than US$50,000, and some schools require a total subscription compensation of US$250,000, and some schools only accept insurance from insurance companies affiliated with their schools even if they meet the conditions of US$50,000 or more, so even if school insurance is expensive, they may have to buy only that insurance.
1.highly insured schools
-U. of Florida ; Medical Expense $200,000 or more
-U. of Pennsylvania ; $100,000 or more
-California S. U.,Long Beach; $100,000 or more
-UCLA ; $100,000 or more
-UC Berkeley ; $100,000 or more
2. Schools that require only insurance in schools
-U. of Arizona
-Southern Illinois U.
-North Dakota S. U.
-U. of California, Riverside
Therefore, it is better to consult with each school's insurance policy to buy the necessary insurance, and since school insurance only benefits medical expenses in the event of an accident, there is no additional compensation such as special expenses, and only a certain amount (60 to 80%) is compensated, in the case of an advanced country where medical expenses are high, the rest of the extra money should be paid by you (40 to 20%).
It costs $200 (about 230,000 won) to get a simple medical checkup to submit to the school and $980 (about 1.1 million won) for a mother's ultrasound. If you are insured against childbirth, you will have to pay an insurance premium of about $290 per month ($3,480, about 4 million per year) for a family of four, but the insurance policy you subscribe to in Korea differs from the U.S. under the Commercial Act (insurance contract law) and the terms and conditions specified by the Financial Supervisory Service, and you can receive full compensation within the amount (disease deduction amount is included in the school as well).
Therefore, you should know the regulations of each school accurately and decide which type of insurance is appropriate for the U.S. and then apply for insurance. At this time, students are not able to fully grasp the advantages and disadvantages of insurance recommended by the school due to lack of language skills.
Since there are countless medical insurance companies in the U.S. and there are various types of insurance companies, it is good to know the cost and benefits in advance, and if you sign up in Korea, the insurance is applied from the moment you leave your home in Korea, so it is much safer.

Medical Insurance Information
Canada's education system, which is partially funded by the federal government, is basically under state control, so each state has its own independent education system, and the health insurance benefits given to foreign students are different.
Three of the 10 states and two territories, British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan, allow foreign students to benefit from the state health insurance system, but with only a little support, it does not cover all the money. In other states, foreign students and their families are not covered by local government medical insurance unless they are licensed to work or continue to live in Canada after completing their studies as permanent residents. Therefore, students or their families should directly purchase personal medical insurance.
a federal state in which foreign students do not benefit from the state.
Manitoba, New Burunswick, Newfoundland, Nova, Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec
a federal state in which foreign students can benefit from the state's health insurance system.
Alberta State: Students studying in the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan must register within three months of their arrival in the country, and the length of medical insurance is set according to the entry of their student visas, and in order to maintain their medical insurance status, students must submit letters confirming their intention to live or to confirm at least 12 months' worth of medical insurance. The desired period must be at least 3 months. (CN$34/month)
☞ Local inquiry phone number: 403-427-1432 (Edmonton) 403-297-6411 (Call Street)
British Columbia: Students studying abroad in the BC Medical Services Plan & Hospital Insurance Plan must have a student visa to qualify for medical insurance upon arrival in Canada.
Only international students who have a student visa for more than 6 months are eligible.
And there's a 3-month Waiting Period. For three months, you have to apply for temporary medical insurance with a private health insurance company if necessary. Also, students who want to study abroad for less than 6 months must get personal medical insurance. Since you need a valid student visa and a waiting period of three months, you need to prepare for three months of medical insurance in advance.
Medical insurance subscribers: Citizens, permanent residents, and regular students.
medical insurance premium
Citizenship, Permanent Resident: CN $864 (based on a family of three) for the first year after entering Canada.
After one year, insurance premiums are adjusted each year according to income reports for the past year.
For international students: based on CN$36/1 per month
medical insurance benefit
- Medical treatment if recommended by a family member or a specialist
- The vaginas of pregnant women
- X-RAY, LAB Inspection
- Restrictions on medical treatment, such as physical therapy or massage.
- However, the prescription is excluded, so you should go to the pharmacy and buy the medicine with your own money.
Local contact number for MEDICAL SERVICES PLAN, B.C.: 1-800-663-7100 250-952-3456
Misty of Health, 1515 Blancheard St., 7th Fl, Victoria B.C. V8W 3C8
Medical Service Plan, 402-4603 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. TEL: 683-7151
Sasketchwan State: Students studying abroad at Saskatchewan Hospital Services & Medical Plan must register immediately after arrival in Canada and receive free medical coverage until the student's visa expires. The free medical insurance premium is valid during the validity period of the student visa.
Local inquiry phone number: 1-800-667-7551 (REGINA) 306-933-6275 (SASKATOON)
Not everyone would think that they would go abroad to study and have an accident or be seriously ill, nor would they be able to budget for such emergencies in advance. But if you don't have health insurance in Canada, you'll have to pay the hospital a huge amount of CN$2,000 a day.
Medical insurance is prepared in advance for these uncertain future situations, and when you sign up, you must accurately understand the conditions of your subscription and what benefits you can enjoy. Therefore, it is essential to buy insurance in Korea not only in the states with no benefits but also in the states with benefits.
Insurance is like a wise umbrella for a rainy day.

Medical Insurance Information
Medical expenses are quite expensive, so you need to prepare medical insurance when you go to Japan in Korea.
If you are a short-term student, it is cheaper to sign up in Korea, so it is better to refer to the insurance type.
However, in case of long-term study abroad, it is advantageous to go to Japan and join the school.
National Health Insurance: Every citizen in Japan has health insurance.
(similar to the medical insurance system in our country)
Students who study abroad must also apply for national health insurance if they have registered as foreigners.
The subscriber pays only 30% of the total medical expenses, and the procedure can be done at each city hall or district office.
Accident Compensation Insurance for Students studying abroad: The school itself is guiding them to sign up for this insurance.
Various kinds of insurance are available depending on the students' situation, so you can contact the school's secretariat and sign up.

Medical Insurance Information
When leaving the country on a student visa, you must purchase insurance that is approved by the Australian government.
Students and their families who come to Australia must subscribe to a kind of medical insurance plan called Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of their stay.
It is supposed to be paid like the tuition fee paid to school before receiving a student visa, and if you continue to study after completing one course, you must renew your medical insurance before extending your visa.
Therefore, when the school issues a tuition invoice, the medical insurance fee is included and you have to remit it along with the tuition fee. This is one of the visa documents.
There is no separate receipt for medical insurance payments, and the amount is written on the admission letter on the OSHC, so you can copy it and use it as a receipt.
As a receipt, you can submit it with your passport to the Medibank Private Center near the school and obtain a medical insurance card. In this case, not only you but also your family can benefit and you can pay an additional premium.
Not everything is covered by the medical insurance card, and on average, only 85% of the medical expenses will be paid by you when you receive medical treatment at a private hospital, but the entire medical expenses will be paid at public hospitals and up to 35 days if you are hospitalized. There are some exceptions, such as dental, ophthalmology, pharmacy expenses, and physical therapy, so it's a good idea to know in advance.
The insurance fee paid by international students is cheaper than that of local Australian citizens.
When used, very little is charged, and most are subsidized.
There are two ways to deal with the cost of course.
1) Pay first, submit receipts and bills to Medibank Private, and refund them in cash or check.
2) Submit an unpaid invoice to Medi Bank Private, where you issue a check to the doctor and send it to him/her, and the difference between the check and the payment will be forwarded to the doctor.
Always remember to ask for a receipt when you pay.
The above is not applicable for studying on a travel visa or leaving for Working Holiday Visa, so it is recommended that you sign up for international student insurance before departure.
The Medibank Private Center is Australia's largest insurance company and operates health insurance for citizens on behalf of the Australian government. There are 350 offices throughout Australia, and you can get medical insurance regardless of which school you study.

Medical Insurance Information
When you stay in France, you are required to sign up for medical insurance.
Unfortunately, Korea and France do not have a medical insurance agreement, so our students do not benefit from the National Social Security.
However, you can subscribe to a social security system called Asurance personal insurance to prepare for illness or childbirth, and you must be a student ID card holder.
This insurance cannot be cancelled in the interim, so once you sign up, you have to pay a mandatory premium until you leave the country.If you're a student who can finish school in France before the age of 28,
It can be actively considered. For those over 28 years of age, it is advantageous to sign up because all family members can benefit from a long stay of more than five years as a student couple, but you should consider that the premium is about 13,000 francs a year. As for the registration process, you can receive information from the city hall or the district office, but those with low annual income can apply for financial support from the social welfare department of the city hall at the time of signing up.
Most international students are more likely to use a relatively convenient private insurance company than social security insurance, which requires complicated procedures. The premium varies depending on the amount of compensation and scope of coverage (approximately 860 francs to 4,000 francs per year), but if you are only interested in issuing a residence card, you can get the lowest premium (860 francs).
If you are staying in a province, you can choose after considering the scope of compensation and benefits after comparing it with the best insurance amount provided by schools or local banks (most banks handle insurance business).
Healthy people are the cheapest (especially one-year language trainees), and if they are sick frequently, it is advantageous to buy insurance that offers 100% coverage, even if the premium is somewhat high.
When registering at a university, MNEF or SMEREP, a student mutual insurance company, may offer a number of insurance products.
Paris-based insurance company
- MNEF: 137 Bd Saint Michel, 75005 Paris, Tel. 01 43 54 1414
(Some universities have resident offices at the beginning of the semester)
- SMEREP: 54 Bd Saint Michel 75006 Paris (sometimes each university has a resident office at the beginning of the semester)
- Etudiants etrangers: 70 rue Mougetard, 75005 Paris, Tel. 01 42 17 00 20 (Preview)

Medical Insurance Information
It doesn't force special medical insurance for international students like in the United States.
However, we do not offer medical insurance to foreign students in the UK, so we need to get medical insurance in our country.
Foreigners must pay all medical service charges for language training less than 6 months.
However, in case of emergency, the examination fee is free.
Upon arrival, you will receive a student visa or a tourist visa, and those who receive a student visa for more than six months must register with the police station within a week.
Once registered, you can receive a green card, work with permission from the Job Center, and apply for National Health Service (NHS) at a hospital near your residence.
A card will be issued about a week after the application is received, and you can get a doctor's prescription with this card.
If you buy medicine at a pharmacy, you must get a doctor's prescription, pay 3.4 pounds, and if you don't have an NHS card, you have to get a doctor's prescription and pay all costs.
However, this service is a basic medical consultation service, and medical expenses due to illness or accident cannot be compensated at all.
Therefore, you have to prepare medical insurance for training and traveling in England.
If you travel to England, you should consider all countries and travel periods as you travel via other European countries.
premium payment receipt